HEARING CENTER LLC was founded in 2010 and has representatives in 10 regional centers of Ukraine.
The main activities of our company are:
1. Supply of PATH Medical equipment to doctors.
2. Providing reliable hearing aids for any hearing loss.
3. Supply of accessories and components.
4. Promotion of modern methods of hearing diagnosis in children and adults.
5. Training in the selection and configuration of digital hearing aids.
5. Service support and training on PATH Medical equipment.
Hearing Center LLC is the official distributor of the leading European manufacturer of audiological equipment PATH Medical (Germany).
PATH Medical is a world leader in the development and supply of modern devices for rapid and reliable diagnosis of hearing in children and adults, hearing screening for newborns, preschool and school children. Diagnostic equipment for audiometry, impedancemetry, otoacoustic emission of DPOAE and TEOAE, cochlear objective audiometry, auditory potentials of the brain – KSVP, ASSR can be supplied to you both separately and in combination (2 in 1, 3 in 1, 4 all examinations in one device: “clinic in your hands”).
The PATH MEDICAL team is a combination of talented developers, engineers, scientists who embody innovations in the most modern and effective devices for hearing diagnostics.
It is a team consisting of departments of development, production, quality management, service and operations (buying, selling, incoming inspection, shipping).
Equipment manufactured by PATH Medical (Germany) is successfully used in maternity hospitals and hospitals in Kyiv, Vinnytsia, Dnipro, Zaporizhia, Odessa, Khmelnytsky, Volyn and Odessa regions, sudological center “SUVAG”, specialized ENT hospital №30 in Kharkiv, others public and private clinics. Medical equipment is certified and successfully used in Europe, USA, Ukraine and many other countries. Audiometers are on the list of critical imports according to the Annex to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of February 24, 2022 No. 153 and can be supplied during martial law.